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The Man In Dress & everything about men in skirts, heels & dresses…
Let’s be honest. Dresses are georgeous. No matter if skinny, transparent or combined with lace elements. Everybody looks good in a dress. Therefore why shouldn’t men wear them too? Why are dresses, skirts & heels reserved exclusively for women?
“I am a fashion person, and fashion is not only about clothes—
it’s about all kinds of change.” (Karl Lagerfeld)
To be honest: wearing dresses doesn’t meant to be comfortable. They are tight, bodycon and closely spaced. You have shallow breathing. But in the end we wear them to look beautiful.
The latest blog inspiration for you.
Get married as a man in a wedding dress?
Man wearing a wedding dress Daring, daring. Because there are simply out there situations or occasions where a man still today "just does not wear clothes". One of them is certainly the registry office or the church wedding. As a guest maybe still okay, but as a...
My husband wears women’s clothing – how do I deal with it?
The story of this post is "actually" told very quickly. The key words are communication and acceptance! Honest acceptance. Because if you don't talk to each other now and behave in a solution-oriented way, or allow your partner to, but still constantly doubt, you can...
I was in the store wearing highheels and lingerie (part 2/2)
After I wrote in the last post about how proud - well, surprised is more like it - I was that the saleswoman didn't mind recommending me a corset size, this post just puts everything in the shade. And both stories happened on the same day! Because as written, the...
Special trip to the Hamburg “Kiez” (part 1/2)
Moin Hamburg, moin Highheels If you ask yourself: What the heck does moin mean? Moin is the Hamburg (Germany) way to say Hello, good morning, good afternoon and good night - it all fits for the same term. But as the post title refers: My wife and me just went to...
Man dressing up as a woman: Carnival & Mardi Gras – more than just a carnival gag?
To start with: I am one of them. Every year, I feverishly await the day when I am allowed to slip into this one role again. What's the difference? I make it public. Because the day when I have the courage to leave the house in skirt, blouse and high heels on a normal...
Fashion. Style. And Lifestyle.
The blogging man.
As a man in high heels – men wearing heels
Yes, this headline already tells you the entire content of the article. It's about men in high heels. Oh wow... 😂 But there's much more to figure out: why do men wear high heels and how is actually the feeling in high heels? Let's start from the beginning I wear heels...
My husband is wearing high heels
It's always the same question: can you wear pumps as a man? And the only answer is: hell yes! 👍🏼 In this post at first I'll tell you everything about my first steps in heels. I also write about where I prefer to buy my shoes and a few more experiences as a man in high...
Man simply wears (no) women’s clothes
You don't do that . Do you know this? Your thoughts wander in completely different directions *until* someone calls out from the off: "but you don't do that.". And there are very many things that "the German" or generally "one" does not do. Sure, everything that is...
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Let’s go on the journey together and actively shape change. Because true to the motto
“Fashion is fleeting – style for eternity.” (Yves Saint Laurent)
we have it in our hands!